Arizona's premier in-person place to explore the mystical arts!
Our School of Magickal Arts mission is to educate seekers and practitioners of Magick; teaching tools and techniques to students on their spiritual journey. The School of Magickal Arts curriculum is designed to help seekers gain fundamental spiritual knowledge that flows through various spiritual paths.
Curriculum Includes: Ritual & Magickal Tools, Divination Basics, Crystals for Beginners, Paganism 101, Candle Magick Basics, Gods & Spiritual Beings, Magickal Symbols, Trance & Meditation, Working with the Elements and Wheel of the Year. Classes are $20 each (cash preferred) and are for
ages 13 and up. Anyone under 18 must have a paid parent in attendance. If you believe your child that is less than 13 years old is ready for the material, exceptions can be made by emailing fantasia.northern@gmail.com
Enrolling in the School Of Magickal Arts is simple- Check out our upcoming classes, and reserve a seat online. Classes do not need to be taken in a specific order. Be sure and sign up on the SOMA check-in sheet when you get to class and we will keep track of which classes you have attended. There is a graduation ceremony and some fun perks for those who attend all twelve classes.
For more information please visit: www.schoolofmagickalarts.org
Arcane Knowledge Awaits You!
