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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Easily see what changes have been incorporated into your designs, whether you have opened or saved a drawing.Select text and markings from PDFs or printed paper and apply them to a drawing. Draw lines and geometric shapes directly over PDF layers that overlay or underlay other layers.Import existing assembly files and easily incorporate additional content from other parts of the same drawing into a model.Associate groups of parts with other model elements. Link part profiles to other models, scenes, and drawings.Create engineering models from PaperCAD or PDF drawings and automatically show the geometry of materials like steel, wood, or PVC.Import parametric components and automatically show the geometry of the parameterized components in your drawings.Instant 3D Preview:Receive a 3D preview of your drawings without exiting your current session.Reverse the direction of view for your model or drawing. Automatically swap the red, green, and blue color channels for a black and white view of your drawing.Show a 3D preview of your model and overlay custom colors over your drawing.Support for Custom Databases:Import drawings from third-party CAD programs and create drawings using third-party software. The library of drawings you can import and use from AutoCAD can be expanded using custom database files.Import drawings from external database files created with the Microsoft® SQL Server Database Engine.Export model or drawing elements as a database file and send it directly to a partner or cloud service. (video: 6:52 min.)Explore new geometric modeling tools, including polygon extraction and polygon projection.Extract parametric elements, contour points, and line segments.Create assemblies by combining separate parts.Create a surface from a plane, radius, or line.Match features on a model to a point cloud and import line segments and polygons.Import components from other drawings into the model.Select and apply features to multiple parts at once.Extract a model of a machine and apply a list of reference points.Simplify by combining elements, deleting unnecessary geometry, and retuning the topology.Extract and project surfaces for parametric components and polygonal modeling objects.Examine the components of an assembly 2be273e24d

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