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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


If you're new to AutoCAD, or if you want to try out some new features, here's the quick-start guide:Step 1: Download the latest version of AutoCAD (AutoCAD release 2023 is available). It's free to use.Step 2: Try the new AI Drafting Services: Show your drawings to AIs in AutoCAD and they can help you complete them more quickly. Download the new AI Drafting Services tool.Step 3: Start an AI Drafting session: Choose the AI Drafting Services tool on the ribbon, and then select Import. This brings up a dialog to upload the drawing and choose the AI model to use. The AI model is your template or guide for the AI software to follow.Choose the AI Drafting Services tool on the ribbon, and then select. This brings up a dialog to upload the drawing and choose the AI model to use. The AI model is your template or guide for the AI software to follow. Step 4: Start drawing: Draw your design, adjusting as you go. You can also use the AI Drafting Services to zoom in and out of your drawing by pinching the screen to open and close the camera.Draw your design, adjusting as you go. You can also use the AI Drafting Services to zoom in and out of your drawing by pinching the screen to open and close the camera. Step 5: Review and approve: If you’re done, you can either upload the drawings and review them in your normal drawing workspace, or you can publish them to your cloud service and then review them there. The AI Drafting Services tool includes a Publish option, and you can start editing your model directly in your Cloud workspace.If you’re done, you can either upload the drawings and review them in your normal drawing workspace, or you can publish them to your cloud service and then review them there. The AI Drafting Services tool includes a option, and you can start editing your model directly in your Cloud workspace. Step 6: When you're done, you can publish the changes to the drawings you sent to your AI model. This publish process will create new drawings and import any new changes you've made.You can publish the changes to the drawings you sent to your AI model. This publish process will create new drawings and import any new changes you've made. Step 7: In your drawings, you will see a 2be273e24d

AutoCAD [Win/Mac] [April-2022]

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